An Eye on the Future
Brussels-based collector Alain Servais is not only an art expert but a visionary. InWho’s still workin’ on this masterpiece? the Servais...

Portraits of the Self as Tickets to Paradise
David Antonio Cruz, “bybeingcarefulofthecompanyyoukeep” (2016), oil on wood panel, 48 x 48 in (image courtesy the Artist and Gateway...

BRIC’s Latest Exhibition Brings Diversity to Portraitures
Photo by Jason Wyche On a humid evening at the end of June, I walked into Fort Greene’s BRIC House and found myself surrounded by a sea...

Why Take a Selfie With Just a Camera When You Can Also Use Thread?
Left: Rag face R#01, 2014. Right: Rag face R#12, 2014. Yoon Ji Seon’s photographic self-portraits are far from ordinary. That’s because...

YOON JI SEON, two-faced
#ragface #yoonjiseon #yoon #yossimilo #newyork #chelseagallery #museemagazine #andreablanch #ragface2015
Yoon Ji Seon's exhibition was on air by the Brazilian based TV show Manhattan Connection
To see a video please click here.

Grotesque, Sewn Self-Portraits Pervert Norms of Female Beauty
Yoon Ji Seon, “Rag face #14001” (2014) (front), from the series ‘Rag face,’ sewing on fabric and photograph (all images © Yoon Ji Seon,...

RAG FACE AT YOSSI MILO GALLERY © Yoon Ji Seon, Rag face #37 and Rag face #38, 2012 / Courtesy Yossi Milo Gallery, New York Yossi Milo...

About the cover - Yoon Ji Seon: Rag face
Photography is as leveling as a baseball bat in a room full of fine china. A globalized technology almost from birth, wherever it...